K. Charlotte Jandér

Assistant Professor

Department of Ecology and Genetics, Uppsala University

I returned to Uppsala in 2018 as a Wenner-Gren Fellow; since 2019 I am an Assistant Professor. Prior to that I was a Wenner-Gren Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Oxford (2017-18) and Harvard University (2015-17), and a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Yale University, and Uppsala University. I earned my BSc/MSc Biology degree from Uppsala University, and my PhD from Cornell University. I also have a Medical degree from Uppsala University. I am broadly interested in ecology, evolution, and behavioural ecology, and have particularly focused on the ecology and evolution of mutualisms. See Research for some examples.

My Google Scholar page

Current teaching at Uppsala University

Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Naturvård, IBG204)

Biodiversity and Ecology in Yunnan (IBG213)